How To Talk To Men: 7 Tips And Tricks To Get His Full Attention

Powers of LOVE
6 min readAug 25, 2020
couple dating and talking to each other

The art of conversation. Seems simple enough, right? And in most cases, it truly is. But when you meet a guy who instantly captures your attention, suddenly, all the words vanish from your mind.

That’s what I’m about to help you with. You’ll never have to wonder how to talk to men again as I’m bringing you the hottest tips on how to get any man you want through a great, fulfilling convo.

If you think the vast majority of men just want to end your first date in the bedroom, you’re wrong. There are mature, adult men out there who actually seek to find a healthy relationship (dare I say a long-term relationship even?)

12 Magical Texts To Make Him Yours, #10 Will Blow Your Mind!

You don’t need a cheesy pick-up line or dating apps to have a successful love life. A good conversation in real-time, along with some eye contact and inviting body language are enough to get you started.

If you’re a single woman (25-year old, 35-year old… it really doesn’t matter) determined to forego online dating for the sake of finding a true connection, I suggest you keep reading.

You’d be surprised how easy it is to attract a high-quality man with the help of some really good dating advice!

1. Understand that he’s probably just as nervous as you are

The first thing you need to realize is that men are only human. Just like you, just like me. If you’re nervous and anxious, chances are, so is he. You’re in this together and there’s no need to feel that nervous.

Drop your false beliefs that all men are assholes who just want to get you into bed. That kind of thinking won’t get you far.

Just be yourself. It’s so easy to start a conversation with a random girl in the bathroom when you realize you’re wearing the same shade of lipstick. So why would it be any different with a man you actually like?

You don’t need a kickass conversation starter. You just need to let your guard down and be your usual, fun, quirky self.

How to Turn a Guy Into Your Boyfriend With One Simple Text… (How-to Video)

2. Know how to talk yourself up

couple dating and talking to each other

Know why you ROCK! Don’t hide all your badass qualities out of fear that he can’t handle your awesomeness. A real man knows how to handle a real woman. Period.

If you’re proud of who you are and where you are, both professionally and privately, articulate it! Let him see you’re not the kind of girl who lets anyone dim her shine.

This strategy will help you weed out the immature, dated men who are afraid of strong, successful women and don’t know how to talk to them.

By knowing how awesome you are and not being afraid to let it show, you’re allowing yourself to find the highest quality man who’ll know just how to be the kind of man you need.

3. Use ”because” as a way to help the conversation

woman ask man for a reason

Let’s say this guy asked you what you do for a living. You can answer like this: ”I’m a vet.” or you can offer him something like this: ”I’m a vet because I’ve loved animals since I was a kid and being able to work with them has been my lifelong dream!”

See what you did there? You told him a ton in just one sentence and gave him a lot to go on.

Now, he knows what you do, why you do it, and how happy it makes you. You showed him heart, passion, and lifelong ambition. That’s better than any corny pick-up line you’ll find.

There are a lot of communication styles that many people claim are different in men and women. But honestly, when you find the right person, talking to them somehow becomes like second nature, don’t you think?

4. Don’t act like you’re above him

Man ignore woman while talking phone

Competition is a bitch. Don’t make him act like someone he’s not if you feel like you’re somehow better than him. I’m sure he’s got enough of that with his bros and at work.

You’re both just trying to make it work in life and remain happy in the process. Be on his wavelength. Don’t make him compete for your attention or feel like he has to top what you just said.

Be nice, be kind, and make him feel good about himself.

Create a comfortable environment where he’ll open up to you without feeling judged. That’s what men appreciate. Kindness and humility go a long way.

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5. Don’t fear the occasional silence

silence while dating

As a single woman who just happens to have extremely bad luck with men, I just want to find someone I can have an actual, adult conversation with. How is that so hard?

But one thing I’ve let affect how I approach the possibility of a first date are those dreaded silences that you just know are going to occur. You know what, though? I don’t really care anymore.

I’ve realized that it slowly destroys your mental health when you keep shielding yourself from relationships, always expecting an imminent break-up due to those little things.

Silences happen, so what? We’re not machines. Eventually, you’re going to run out of things to say! Even when you’re having the best conversation you’ve ever had, it just happens.

You stick it out, you survive, then find a new thing to discuss and life goes on.

6. Pay him a compliment

I know, men can be so weird with compliments. They pretend like they don’t care and just brush it off, but in actuality, they dig it. A lot!

You know how you compliment so many women you don’t even know on their hair, lipstick, shoes, or scent? Men love that shit too. So next time you see this guy, be sure to tell him you love his new cologne.

Maybe he’s got a new pair of kicks that are really rad? Maybe his new haircut makes his eyes really pop?

Find something that genuinely makes him seem or feel acknowledged and appreciated, and just casually throw it in. Men LOVE it (even though they’ll never show it).

~ 6 Tips More You Can Read On, Click Here!

Credit: (by Tara Brown)

12 WORD TEXT — That Makes Him Need You In His Life — Watch Full HD Here!

Disclaimer: Please note that this post includes affiliate links which may provide a commission to me at no cost to you. However, the links are for the best programs and courses you need to start for building a better relationship. I have tested and fully recommend every product listed on this page. I currently use most of these resources myself and they are vital to making my relationship successfully.

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