How To Win Your Crush As Fast As Possible (6 Exact Tips)
We’ve had all had this happen in our younger years:
You’re in school, running along the hallway to go to class. As you approach the classroom, you bump into someone you don’t know.
But here’s the magical thing:
The moment you look up, you see an unfamiliar yet pretty face. “It’s love at first sight,” you think. And since then, you’ve been eyeing this person every single day.
Your friends know all about your infatuation — and you can’t help but feel the butterflies in your stomach every time you see their eyes or their infectious smile. “It’s fate.”
But what if you’re getting too distracted?
Having a crush isn’t a bad thing, but you can’t let one person take up all your attention.
You have responsibilities like everybody else.
Here are 6 proven ways to get over your crush and move on with your life:
1) Reduce or totally remove real-world interactions
Removing your crush from Facebook is one thing, but what if they’re a constant part of your everyday life?
Think about it:
You always see your crush at school because you have similar friendship circles. Or perhaps their cubicle is right next to yours in the office.
The point is that totally ignoring them in these cases doesn’t make sense because there are legitimate reasons to talk to them.
Here’s what you can do:
First, decline your crush’s invites to attend an event together — but remember to be polite! Also, don’t sit close whenever you’re eating in the canteen or office pantry.
Don’t initiate a casual conversation with your crush. Stop going to places where they often stay. And if possible, perhaps you should relocate your classroom seat or work cubicle.
The point here is to keep interactions at a minimum. Your crush does not need extra time and effort from you.
2) Give yourself time to heal
Even if you’re getting over someone you never dated, it can hurt when someone doesn’t return your affection.
We often don’t get the answers we need to give us closure.
Why won’t they like me back? Why won’t a relationship work between us?
These are just some of the questions that you may never be able to answer. But don’t beat yourself up over it.
The brutal truth is this:
It’s over, and there’s not much you can do about it. It hurts, we know. Nobody likes getting rejected.
However, the most important thing you can do for yourself right now is to allow yourself time to process what happened.
You’ll need to be kind to yourself for a while if you want to get over this crush.
Here’s what you need to keep in mind:
Many people have had crushes before, and it hasn’t worked out. But in time, everyone gets over it and moves on.
3) Feel the pain
While it may seem counterintuitive to say “feel the pain,” it can actually help you make meaning of the situation and come to terms with it faster.
We all hate feeling like crap, but sometimes, we need to feel that way to allow our brains and bodies to process what is happening.
Otherwise, we’re just ignoring how we’re really feeling, and that’s never good for your emotional health in the long run.
At first, you’ll probably want to blame yourself and say it’s all your fault that it didn’t work out with your crush.
But the truth is this:
You have no control over how others act and feel. The reason it didn’t work out might be something that’s totally out of your control.
Instead, focus on your feelings and sit with them for a while. You might find that it’s just silly thoughts and feelings that are upsetting you.
Maybe you can take a step back and realize that it’s not as bad as you think.
The more you’re able to process your thoughts and feelings, the easier it will be to move on.
4) Get rid of your rose-colored glasses
Whether you’re trying to get over a girl or a guy, it’s easy to see the good in people, especially if they’re good-looking.
Here’s what you should do:
Be realistic. Those rose-colored glasses you put on every time you see your crush should be thrown away. Nobody’s perfect, and neither is your crush.
Sometimes, people make the mistake of making up an ideal version of their crush. Don’t turn a blind eye to the obvious flaws and reasons not to be with this person.
It’s a wake-up call if your crush is:
– Already vocal about not wanting to date you
– Dating someone else
– Always skipping classes or not going to work
– Addicted to drinking and other unhealthy habits
Look, you might already know these reasons before. But what matters now is to remember that these are signs that your crush isn’t the right person for you.
Admit it:
It’s time to ditch thinking that your crush looks ‘cool’ for not wanting to do their responsibilities. Being an alcoholic also isn’t a good thing.
And most importantly:
Don’t spend so much time on someone who’s already in love with someone else or who literally told you that things aren’t going to work out between the two of you.
Face the facts, and you’ll soon see that prioritizing this person no matter what doesn’t make sense at all.
It’s going to be tough, but accepting the truth is much better than fooling yourself over and over again.
5) Be honest with yourself
During your time away, ask yourself the hard questions: what did you see in them in the first place? Do other men have those qualities? (hint: they do!)
What did you hope to get out of a relationship with this person? Are they really as great as you previously thought?
What does their choice of girlfriend/boyfriend say about them now? Are you just jealous or are you better off?
Could you find someone better that would be deserving of your attention? (hint: yes you could!)
What about doing something nice for yourself? Could you better yourself for just yourself and not for the sole purpose of getting a guy to pay attention to you?
Could you take some time to think about what life was like before you met this guy or girl? How can staying single provide you a chance to grow and learn about yourself?
What are the things that drove you crazy about him? What flaws does he have? Why wouldn’t it have worked out?
6) Stay busy
We don’t mean that you should drown yourself in schoolwork or work deadlines, but those are good ideas as well.
If you want to move on from your crush, you must make time for other things. Doing so prevents your brain from randomly thinking about this special person.
So what exactly can you do?
Well, we all have something we’ve always wanted to do. What’s yours?
Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn how to draw or paint. Go to the art supplies store and get yourself a sketchpad and start making art.
Going outdoors is a good way to relax from all the things that make you worry. Learning how to play basketball or badminton is both fun and healthy.
In fact, working out will help you out a lot since this causes the release of endorphins, a group of hormones responsible for making you feel happy and satisfied.
Don’t want to do all these things?
That’s perfectly fine as well! You can also keep your mind off your crush by simply playing a video game or hanging out with your friends.
Just keep bringing more people and interests in your life so that your crush will no longer fill a big place in it.
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Credit: HackSpirit
Disclaimer: Please note that this post includes affiliate links which may provide a commission to me at no cost to you. However, the links are for the best programs and courses you need to start for building a better relationship. I have tested and fully recommend every product listed on this page. I currently use most of these resources myself and they are vital to making my relationship successfully.